Currency converter & live exchange rates

Use our currency converter to convert some of the most popular transactions including EURO to CAD, CAD to USD, CAD to HKD, and more. Use this tab for transfers, payments, cheques, drafts etc., where no physical foreign cash is exchanged. Non-Cash Rates are generally more favourable to you than Cash Rates. This reflects the costs and risks associated with shipping, handling and holding foreign currency in cash.
$1 CAD = 0.6882
$1 USD = 1.4531

Exchange rate: 0.6882 as of Tue Mar 25 23:00:00 EST 2025

Note: The rates provided are illustrative only. Rates fluctuate throughout the day, and the rate for a particular transaction is set at the time of that transaction. We are not responsible for any reliance that you might place on, or use you might make of, the rates provided on this page or the calculator.

Transactions using non-cash-rates

Transfer between accounts
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Send money
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Pay TD U.S. Dollar Credit Card
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Ways to exchange cash using cash rates

Order through EasyWeb
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Order from a TD Canada Trust Branch
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Currency conversion information